Ozarks Transportation Organization (OTO)
Major Thoroughfare Plan Subcommittee
November 8, 2010, 1:30 p.m.
Brentwood Library
2214 Brentwood Boulevard, Springfield, MO
I. Call to Order
II. Audience Proposal for Changes to the existing Major Thoroughfare Plan. The audienceis requested to limit any comments to those pertaining specifically to the existing plan and requested changes to that plan.
III. Review Requested Changes to the Major Thoroughfare Plan. OTO staff requested member jurisdictions to submit proposed changes to the Major Thoroughfare Plan for the Subcommittee’s Review.
IV. Next Steps and Process
V. Next Meeting Date
This meeting is open to the public; however, the meeting is designed to review proposed changes to the Major Thoroughfare Plan. If a member of the public wishes to propose a change to the plan, we encourage the comments. The Subcommittee will be reviewing the proposed changes in order to create a working draft. A final draft will be made available for public comment as part of Long Range Plan public meetings that will be held in the early part of the 2011 calendar year as well as at
meetings of the Technical Planning Committee, and Board of Directors.
Si usted necesita la ayuda de un traductor del idioma español, por favor comuníquese con la Sharon Davis al teléfono (417) 836-5442, cuando menos 48 horas antes de la junta.
Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require interpreter services (free of charge) should contact Sharon Davis at (417) 836-5442 at least 24 hours ahead of the meeting.
If you need relay services please call the following numbers: 711 - Nationwide relay service; 1-800-735-2966 - Missouri TTY service; 1-800-735-0135 - Missouri voice carry-over service.
OTO fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, see www.ozarkstransportation.org or call (417) 836-5442.
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