News-Leader Headline August 12, 2010 "OTO Panel Punts Road Controversy"
[link to article at top of page]
The final determination by the group [with two of the eight members failing to attend] was to refer it back to the much larger OTO Tech. Committee to be discussed during their September 15th meeting. "....We're being asked by one or two government jurisdictions to make decisions they chose not to make for themselves," said panel member Roger Howard.
The current OTO Major Thoroughfare Plan does NOT include road links east of the James River south of FR 164 and north of Hwy 60.
Does the OTO feel obligated to answer the questions posed to them by the city and county or enter into a thorough evaluation of the overall plan [which might take two years according to Tim Conklin (OTO Director).]
One of the most interesting statements by Wes Johnson, the News-Leader reporter and author of the article: "After the meeting, Frank Miller, MODOT's rep. on the OTO panel, confirmed that a short road linking the development and FR 164 to the north would satisy MODOT's requirement for a connection."
It is my understanding MODOT attempted to receive a retraction the following day and the only clarification given was a statement added to the online article "......MODOT has not endorsed any of the proposed alignments, leaving that for local officials to decide." Wes did not back down on his comment.
It is important for all to understand, the connection to Battlefield Rd. (via FR 164) was mandated in PD 330 (rezoning docs) by the city under "required improvements."
We appreciate the participation from our neighbors on 164 and 166.
Is ANOTHER (designated) connection needed at any time less than 20 years from now?
Thanks to all of you that attended this meeting, with special thanks to Bobbie Louderbaugh. Her little sign generated another round of emails back and forth, relative to a letter attorney Pat Platter had sent to the county prior to the last Planning Board meeting.
This issue is one HOT POTATO because of the passion, time and effort from all of you.
The issue will ultimately be determined by the County Commission. We are in the process of a heated race for Presiding Commissioner of that body. Do we need to invite both candidates in for a discussion of our concerns? Another gathering at the River of Life Church, maybe?? Please let me know via email if you feel that would be beneficial - farmroad170@gmail.com - OR - contact either Sara Ray or Lou or Pam Neblett.
Don't hesitate to contact our east side
Commissioner, Roseanne Bentley.
Jim Viebrock Candidate for Presiding Commissioner
David Coonrod, Presiding Commissioner
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