Saturday, May 15, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
What is the Definition of Involvement?
I received a copy of the transcript of the recent Greene County Planning Board meeting [by request]. Although I was in the room and witnessed the comments, I am incensed by the lack of intelligence and common sense of this proposal which is detrimental to property owners on the eastern side of Greene County. The PROCESS is wrong, is questionable relative to long range plans and DEMANDS the attention of community members.

- Attend every meeting that has a potential negative effect on your property value. [The next meeting is May 18, same time, same place].
- Write/email letters to The News Leader. Another BIG article is scheduled soon [maybe Sunday].
- Call/email/write the County Commission and Planning Board members [as a collective]. Be respectful and stay on target [they don't care about how the road will impact your individual septic system].
Suggestion for a call or email:
I am disappointed the City of Springfield failed to evaulate the situation prior to the rezoning and I expect those that represent the Residents of Greene County to correct their error in judgment. A failure to do so will be burned into my memory when I cast my vote in the future.
Lincoln Hough, candidate for State Representative of the Farm Road 170 area, is having a meet and greet at Larson's John Deere, Thursday, May 13, at 5:30pm. Bend his ear until he has an ear ache.
Robert [Bob] Cirtin is another candidate for District 140 State Representative.
Jim Viebrock is a candidate for Greene County Commissioner [Coonrod's position]. His website is . Jim attended the property owners meeting at the church on February 28 and is aware of concerns.